
Adam first heard about the Shockwiz three years ago when he had read about it on a crowd funding website. He thought it was a genius idea and was intrigued to know more. Kit like this had only previously been available to professional teams, and this invention meant that it would be available for everyone to use and benefit from. Adam went ahead and donated to the crowd funding site, so when the device reached its funding potential the Shockwiz was put into production. This meant that 4Playcyles was one of the first businesses to have one of these products in its hands. Tried and tested last summer by Adam and a few willing guinea pig customers, we all agreed that it really is a great tool to help fine tune and get the best from your suspension. Easy to use and teams up with most smartphones (after downloading the app) a great way to work any niggles out and make your suspension work for you.




We would recommend using the Shockwiz on your favourite ride where you want your suspension to be working at it's best, as the settings will then favour that trail. If the terrain you are riding were to change dramatically then obviously the settings would be no longer at their premium.




Shockwiz can be hired from the shop at a rate of £25 a weekend.

(This service is a strict Friday pick up, Monday drop off with a £50 deposit which is refunded on return of the device)


Many customers have asked about postal / remote hire for the shockwiz. This is a service which we are looking into currently and will add more details when sorted. Shockwiz is also available to purchase and we will add prices about this once confirmed.



We really want to emphasise the importance of talking to us when you have it out for hire. The Quarq ShockWiz doesn't come with any real instructions, all the information is on the website, but if you only have the device for a weekend, why waste valuable time figuring it all out when a quick chat with us can have you up and running and riding for longer to get the most out of your hire.



Summed up perfectly in this short video!

  • ShockWiz is a suspension tuning system for air-sprung mountain bikes that combines high-tech hardware with an intuitive smartphone app

  • Lightweight, durable and powered by a long-lasting coin cell battery, ShockWiz automatically records and evaluates suspension performance every time you ride. The ShockWiz app displays straightforward adjustments that unite bike, terrain and riding style.

  • ShockWiz works for all mountain bike riders, regardless of their experience or bike’s intended use. With ShockWiz, you know exactly how your suspension is performing – and how to make it better.

For more information visit the Quarq Shockwiz page.